OCD Specialist


Mauricio Garcia Jacques, MD

Interventional Pain Management & Integrative Physical Medicine located in Houston, TX

Wanting to be tidy or organized is a positive trait that likely gives you an advantage at work or school. If your need to be clean or organized goes too far and starts to permeate your thoughts and actions, you may have an anxiety disorder called obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). At iACHE’s three locations across Houston, Garcia Jacques Mauricio, MD, and his team help you gain control over your mind and behaviors with multifaceted OCD treatment. Book your appointment by phone or online at the EMG Center, Galleria, or North Houston location today.


What is OCD?

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is an anxiety disorder that compels you to ruminate or obsess over certain thoughts or ideas and makes you feel like you need to compulsively take action as a response. 

You may have the urge to repeatedly take the same action over and over, like washing your hands or checking the time, and it may not logically make sense as a response to your obsessive thought. Regardless, it seems impossible for you not to take action and you might feed distressed or panicked if you don’t. Eventually, such behaviors can affect your relationships, your work, your performance in school, and other areas of your life.

What are the characteristics of OCD?

Each person who has OCD experiences different obsessions and compulsions. Common obsessions include:

  • Dirt
  • Germs
  • Asymmetry
  • Sex
  • Religion
  • Aggression

Compulsions include:       

  • Cleaning
  • Counting
  • Rearranging
  • Double-checking
  • Saying certain phrases
  • Praying

The cycle of obsession and compulsion seems never-ending. No matter how diligent you are with completing your compulsions to satisfy your obsessions, the obsessions almost always come back. They may ease up or even disappear for a while, but in other cases, they worsen.

How do I know if I should see a doctor about OCD?

Some people, known as perfectionists, are highly organized or particularly clean and tidy. Yet, they retain control over their thoughts and actions. You should visit iACHE to find out if you have OCD if your obsessions and compulsions seem to take over your life and feel like they’re out of your control. 

How can I manage my OCD?

The best way to manage your OCD is to get professional help from a doctor. At iACHE, the team helps you learn to manage your OCD using multiple treatment strategies. Antidepressants, psychotherapy like cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), or a combination of both may help ease your symptoms.

The practice specializes in using ketamine infusions to treat psychiatric disorders, including OCD. Unlike other treatments, the effects of ketamine are nearly immediate. It helps rebuild the connections between different areas of your brain to improve control over your thoughts and actions.

To find out if ketamine is an appropriate addition to your OCD treatment plan, call your nearest iACHE location or book an appointment online today.